November 3, 2010

On Free Stuff (which surprisingly doesn't suck)

I've spent more time this October posting comments on blog-based giveaways than I care to admit to. Some of the stuff was cool, some of it sucked; all of it was free marketing for people who really need more people to visit their shops.

Leave it to Gordon to create a giveaway so awesome that I actually break my rule of not posting about giveaways. But you all should be following his blog already anyway, so uh, sorry for filling your feed reader with crap? Not really. Word is there's some sweet schwag in it for me.


  1. Hooray for rule breaking. Niiiiice.

  2. I know I can get burned out too on posting about blog giveaways. So this must be one that you really want to win. Good luck, Pallas!
